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Population growth and economic development are putting increasedincreasing pressure on the planet’s limited freshwater resources, with the UN forecasting a 40% shortfall by 2030. Today, theThe impacts of climate change are primarilyalready being felt in changes to water, with extreme weather events and unpredictable rainfall impactingjeopardising the availability and quality of freshwaterfresh water.

WeMany Swire businesses depend on access to reliable supplies of clean water. We use water in the beverages we make, to clean and cool our facilities, and in providing services to our customers. Our goal is to be water neutral by 2050. This means that, at a minimum, our business activities should have no net negative impact on local water systems.

SwireTHRIVE’s three environmental pillars – climate, water, and waste – are overseen by the Swire Group Environmental Committee. A Water Working Groupsupports the implementation of our Sustainable Water Policy and the delivery of our water related targets and commitments.
Sustainable Water Policy
Swire is committed to driving efficient water use in our operations. Our 2030 target currently includes operating companies that together account for 99% of the Group’s total water usage. This reflects our efforts to reduce the amount of water used by all our businesses. The water that is used as an ingredient in the beverages produced by Swire Coca-Cola is excluded from our 2030 target and will be addressed by additional replenishment activities.
SwireTHRIVE - Water
2030 target
Water withdrawal compared to 2018 frozen efficiency baseline
2050 target
Water neutrality
Our approach

Water availability is highly location dependent. Each watershed may be exposed to different risks depending on climatic conditions and the changing demands of water users drawing from it. Swire uses the World Resources Institute’s ("WRI") Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas to assess baseline water stress across our global operating locations. This allows us to understand location specific water risks, enabling a more targeted and strategic approach to water management.

Swire Coca-Cola evaluates site-specific water risks, including water availability and quality, for each of its bottling plants using The Coca-Cola Company’s Source Vulnerability Assessment process ("SVAs"). After undertaking SVAs, plants prepare water management plans ("WMPs"), which are updated every five years, or as required by The Coca-Cola Company. 

To use water responsibly and protect local water sources for the future, we:
Reduce our water use by improving efficiency and adopting new technologies
Recycle water and use alternative sources of water
Ensure our wastewater is safely discharged back to nature
Replenish natural water sources through partnerships
More details can be found in our Sustainability Report