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As the world’s population and affluence increases, so does the waste produced. Landfills are already reaching capacity. There is a need to decouple growth from the consumption of finite resources and keep resources in use for longer, through repairing, recycling and redesign – so they can be used again and again.

By reducing and recycling our waste we will help address challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution, and also lower the cost of packaging, waste management and disposal, and potentially create new revenue streams. We aim to turn today’s waste into a resource for tomorrow and to contribute to the creation of a circular economy.

SwireTHRIVE’s three environmental pillars – climate, water, and waste – are overseen by the Swire Group Environmental Committee. A Waste Working Group supports the implementation of our Waste Management Policy and the delivery of our waste related targets and commitments.
Waste Management Policy
Swire is committed to diverting waste from landfill. Our interim and long-term waste targets cover non-hazardous waste generated by operating companies, which on average makes up 99% of total non-hazardous waste produced by the Group. Hazardous waste is not included in the target, as it is treated in line with local regulations.
SwireTHRIVE - Waste
2030 target
Waste diverted from landfill
2050 target
Zero waste to landfill
Our approach

The easiest way to reduce waste is to avoid single-use materials and where possible reduce the amount of packaging material. We also collect and sort different types of waste and work closely with recycling partners to provide credible outlets for the recyclables we collect.

We have implemented Group standards for waste separation at source. Separate receptacles are provided in Group operating companies’ workplaces for the collection of five main categories of waste: paper, metals, plastic bottles, general plastics, and general waste. Glass and food receptacles are also placed in strategic locations, as appropriate. 

Our beverage business, Swire Coca-Cola, supports The Coca-Cola Company’s World Without Waste goals and has made the following commitments:

  • By 2025 primary packaging will be 100% recyclable
  • By 2030 primary packaging will contain 50% recycled material
  • By 2030 Swire Coca-Cola will collect and recycle one bottle or can for every one it sells


This will be achieved by reducing single-use packaging, redesigning packaging to increase its recyclability, facilitating better recovery of packaging through clear labelling, and recycling packaging materials into high value end-products.

To divert waste from landfill, we:
Reduce waste at source
Promote recycling, reuse and recovery in order to divert as much waste as possible from landfill
Manage hazardous and potentially hazardous waste in an appropriate, responsible and transparent manner
Reduce post-consumer waste from beverage packaging through redesign, recycling and recovery activities
Explore opportunities to contribute to the circular economy
More details can be found in our Sustainability Report